My Directions EMEA 2023

Directions EMEA 2023 is just around the corner, and I’m looking very much forward to it!  And so should you! ;-). Since last year in Hamburg – which was clearly the best edition of all – they have set high expectations.  At least for me ;-).  It was the first edition to have “deep dive” …

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Business Central vNext (v23) – The “new data model”

This is just going to be a brief post, because there have been other blogs about this topic – I just wanted to add a small piece on top of it ;-). Our two Italian friends Stefano and Duilio already wrote some blogs about the upcoming performance improvements regarding the new feature in Business Central, …

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Analyzing Deadlocks in Business Central with Telemetry

Not too long ago, I was (and still am) challenged with analyzing deadlocks at a specific customer.  And in all honesty – that was not easy, because, you know, deadlocks is something on SQL – and it’s not like we have a lot of access to SQL tools. What are deadlocks? I’m not going to …

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Microsoft Dynamics 365 2023 Release Wave 2 plan for Business Central

It’s that time again: the plan for the next wave is there!  Erik Hougaard already covered the plan – and in good habit – I’ll do the same in blog-form (I still hate making videos – or getting content from watching them – I’m clearly getting too old ;-)). I’ll do as I always do: …

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BCTechDays 2023 – Final thoughts

BCTechDays is over, and it’s time for an (almost) traditional BCTechDays aftermath :-). A short one this time .. What an edition is was again 😱. Too bad I simply had to spend all the time I could find to prep for my own session with Vjeko. But more on that later. This year, it …

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Analyze (the lack of) Partial Records with Business Central Telemetry

I’ve been working with Business Central Telemetry a lot the last coulple of months, having to deal with deadlocks and such. And while doing so, quite some new ideas came to mind that I’d like to investigate by means of Telemetry. But first, a disclaimer I’m absolutly not an expert. Probably there are better ways …

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Get-NAVAppInfo gives different results in v22

Just a small heads-up that made us scratch our heads for a while.. . In the new version of Business Central (2023 Release Wave 1 – aka v22), the PowerShell CmdLet “Get-NAVAppInfo” now gives one more dependency in the “dependencies” collection. Or as pictures say more than a thousand words: V21 and below: But from …

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Dynamics 365 Business Central in 2023 release wave 1

It’s always nice having to prep a webinar about “what’s new in Business Central”. It makes you being very busy with what’s next, and forces you to dive into it :-). Not always easy though, because – even today – there isn’t too much documentation online yet (it’s not fully released either, so .. quite …

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“Days of Knowledge” coming up!

A short heads-up! Time is running out, and if you want to be part of it, you’ll have to act fast! Days of Knowledge 2023 is a series of conferences organized by DirectionsEMEA (aka “Directions4Partners“). The conferences are focused on education, sharing knowledge and “upgrading” Business Central professionals across the industry. Each event consists of …

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Dynamics 365 Business Central and DataTransfer: be careful!

Not too long ago, Stephano shared a concern regarding “TryFunctions”. It’s a must read, and you can find it here: Dynamics 365 Business Central and TryFunctions: be careful! – Stefano Demiliani. I think it’s important to warn people about things that act different than people might think – so let me take this opportunity to …

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