January 2016 archive

NAV Extensions – Updated Generic Data Migration Options

OK, it’s official. I feel like an idiot :-). I was so proud with my previous blogpost as I was able to solve a somewhat complicated problem generically. And now there appears to be a platform solution for what I was trying to solve (or at least for a big part of it). I remember …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2016/01/20/nav-extensions-updated-generic-data-migration-options/

Cloud SureStep for Product Development: The PowerShots

That’s right, there are new PowerShots in town! You might have read about the previous PowerShot series on my blog, where we focused on “The Transition of your Product to the Cloud”. “We”, being the “Cloud Ready Software” dudes: Gary, Vjeko and me. You might wonder – why would I go this year if I …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2016/01/13/cloud-surestep-for-product-development-the-powershots/

NAV Extensions – Generic Code To Migrate Data When Upgrading Extensions

UPDATE: Updated info can be found in this post. This is not a post on how Extensions work – I guess there is a lot of material out there that already handles Extensions. And if you don’t find any .. just check YouTube for a few video’s, like: How Do I: Create an Extension Package …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2016/01/08/nav-extensions-generic-code-to-migrate-data-when-upgrading-extension/