NAV2013: HTML on reports

I noticed it’s not known too well .. so I decided to put this in a small blogpost. Basically, you can use HTML on Dynamics NAV 2013 reports .. and I’m going to share how you can do that in just a few basic steps. Step 1: Create HTML Text It doesn’t really matter how/where/… …

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“Code is Poetry”

At the time when writing this post .. I’m in the plane after a most amazing day. You might not know, but since a few years, we (that are Mark Brummel, Gary Winter, Vjeko and me) have been working on-and-off on an initiative called “Partner Ready Software“. I have been blogging about that in the …

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NAV2013 is officially on Azure!

On Azure that is! 🙂 I have been playing around with VM’s on Azure, and successfully deployed all of it (Database, NST, OData, Web Client, ..), but always had the feeling that it was just too simple and easy. Today, Microsoft announced (or at least it got only to my attention today :-)) the official …

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Platform updates overview – NAV2013

Yesterday, the Platform updates for NAV2009 were updated. Today, it’s the turn of NAV2013.

When I was updating the list, these two interesting hotfixes came to my attention. I thought it was interesting to mention them here as well:

•Release of rollups for NAV 2013
•How to install a NAV2013 update rollup

Well, this is not a Platform update, but nevertheless, an interesting development, as Microsoft is making it easier for (some of) us by bundling a bunch of code-changes in one “rollup”.

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Platform updates overview – NAV2009

As you might have seen, I have added a “platform updates” on my top menu. I will never update the non-released platform updates anymore – and the idea is that I “store” them there – still for your reference.. .

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Interesting Links for Dynamics NAV

Just a friendly reminder – I’ve added “interesting links” on the top menu .. . Recenly, I added the ones below (in yellow). The Community Forums/Community sites: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Community page Mibuso Dynamics User Group NAVUG Blogs: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Team Blog Navigate Into Success Freddys Blog Plataan’s Blog Kine’s Info Mark Brummel’s …

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Availability of NAV2009 (Advanced) extended

This is an example of “double ethical ambiguity” (like we called it in school – a long time ago (in a galaxy..)). As NAV2013 is the best release ever (which I really mean in many ways) .. and can even sometimes called “the release that NAV2009 should have been” .. then why is Microsoft pleased …

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NAV 2013: RTC crashes because of language NAS user

    I use the Jobqueue as much as I can for automating jobs. It’s decent, stable, good, flexible. It makes sense, doesn’t it? But after installing a language pack (NLB and FRB – quite common in Belgium :-/) .. it didn’t seem the most valid opinion I had.. : my RTC was crashing 10 …

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New NAV 2013 Localizations: Iceland, Switzerland and Norway

After the announcement of the Dynamics NAV 2013 release in Austria .. and as expected .. now also Iceland, Switzerland and Norway has their localization of NAV2013! Way to go! You can download it here These localizations are available at the moment: AU-Australia AT-Austria BE-Belgium CA-Canada DK-Denmark FI-Finland FR-France DE-Germany IS – Iceland IN-India IT-Italy …

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The power of Variants

This blogpost of Arend Jan Kauffman reminded me of a topic that I wanted to write a very long time now. Namely working with Variants. Sometimes I get the remark: “what the hell are they useful for? “. And to be honest: Variants could be bloody useful in some cases. Cases to make stuff even …

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