Availability of NAV2009 (Advanced) extended

This is an example of “double ethical ambiguity” (like we called it in school – a long time ago (in a galaxy..)).

As NAV2013 is the best release ever (which I really mean in many ways) .. and can even sometimes called “the release that NAV2009 should have been” .. then why is Microsoft pleased to announce an extension to the availability of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009?

Well .. I guess it’s positive to postpone for some .. because this way, ISV’s and parters get more time in prepping their solution for NAV2013, and still be able to sell their current solution (you need money to make money ;-)). So for that matter .. Positive.

Extension until 30 June 2014

Anyway, note that new customers will be able to license NAV 2009 using the Advanced Management edition of the BRL until 30 June 2014. You read it right: the Business Essentials edition of the BRL model is not included, which means it will no longer be available for new customers after 30 November 2013.

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2013/05/16/availability-of-nav2009-advanced-extended/


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    • David Singleton on May 16, 2013 at 1:09 am
    • Reply

    Some customers just can’t upgrade. Code is just a small part of the upgrade process, there is so much more that has to be done. I find it hard to believe that you have no customers running on anything but 2013, and also I am quite impressed. I have customers that are still years away from being able to upgrade, and a 2014 deadline is quite terrifying for them.

    • Kine on May 16, 2013 at 4:21 am
    • Reply

    I gauess that itbis because some countries still do not have NAV 2013 and will not have it in near future…

  1. @David:
    Correct me if I’m wrong, but this is only for new customers .. not existing ones. Existing customers will be able to add stuff to their license – but then again, that’s how I understood it.. Sure we have customers running on lower versions then 2013…
    Well, that does make sense. Als all countries are expected to be released on the next version (also yours), they still have ‘some’ time.. .

  2. @Waldo, according to a chart from PartnerSource that was shown to me, the extension to June 2014 is for new and existing customers. One other theory of why this was done had to do with downgrade rights. Posted a copy of the chart at: http://msdynamicsworld.com/story/microsoft-extends-availability-advanced-management-licenses-dynamics-gp-2010-nav-2009

  3. thanks for the link, Jason .. that explain a lot. 🙂

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