How Do I Video’s on Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Some of you might already have read it on some blogposts or found it through some other channels .. but I didn’t mention it yet. So let’s do so :-). Microsoft has initiated a really great initiative (please notice the huge alliteration .. ). They have begun creating “How To” Video’s for a number of …

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NAV 2013: Certification requirements updated!

Do you remember this post: NAV 2013: Certification overview ? Well, there is a small update that I would like to share with you. Today Microsoft confirmed that the necessary SQL 2012 certification is only needed from October 2013 (instead of May 2013 as previously stated). I guess that’s a good thing, isn’t it? 😉 …

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Pre-Configuration in NAV2013 (Profile Metadata)

Configuration, Personalisation, .. . Terms that were introduced in NAV2009, and that we all know by now, don’t we? It gives us a great flexibility of the behaviour of the clients: Flexibility to the user: they can add, remove, change, .. The pages according to their role .. . Flexibility to the administrator: they can …

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Interesting Links for Dynamics NAV

Together with the platform updates, I have been sending a list of interesting links in PartnerSource and other sites. By splitting up the platform updates .. I decided to maintain this list separately as well. Below you can find a list of links which I use to “navigate” to Interesting and sometimes less-interesting-but-yet-quite-important-for-the-business sites on …

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Platform updates overview – NAV2009

As mentioned earlier, I have split up the Platform Updates list into the different versions of NAV. Here is the NAV2009 version.

When going through the KB articles, I also found this one quite interesting: A costing hotfix rollup is available for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009. It doesn’t really qualify as a “Platform Update”, but still, I think it’s very interesting to give it enough attention.. .

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Platform updates overview – 3.70 – 5.0SP1

To complete my split-up list of Platform Updates, here is the rest .. . Obviously, nothing has been changed on this, as it involves unsupported versions of NAV. But still, it’s interesting to know what has been solved in the past.. .

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Platform updates overview – NAV2013

Hey there .. Finally an updated list. A very new list this time, because I decided to split it into different parts – it was just becoming too big for one blogpost (it was even influencing the performance of my Wordpress-site ;-)). The title should give you an impression.. : As there are so many new platform updates coming out .. I decided to create a blogpost per major NAV version. Hope you (still?) like it.. 😉

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NAV 2013: Implementing the Application Test Toolset

As you probably know, since NAV 2009, there is some kind of framework built in the C/SIDE environment that can deal with application testing.  Usually referred to as “Testing Framework” or “Test codeunits” or “Test Toolset” or “probably-some-kind-of-other-description-I-don’t-think-of-at-this-moment-but-deals-with-testing-the-functionality-of-your-(customized)-NAV-solution”. As we (iFacto) are rebuilding our internal solution for NAV2013, I have to include the Test Toolset …

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25 years of NAV(ision)

I had missed this, but in December 2012, “Henning” posted this on the blog of “Partner Power international”: This is something to give lots of attention .. .  Henning wrote down a nicely written history of the software we love so much.  Thanks for this, Henning!  To not steal too much, I won’t copy …

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NAV 2013: Certification overview

NAV 2013 has been there for a while now. And as expected .. there is an updated requirement for the “ERP Competency” for partners. You can find all information here: and I strongly recommend you to read through this very carefully. A few points that I would like to stress out From May 2013, …

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