Eric Wauters

Author's posts

Offerings are not “offerings”, and library apps are not “library apps”

I did a “little” boo-boo: I totally misunderstood something from the overly documented AppSource world, which has quite an impact for us to go forward. I’d like to apologize beforehand for the rant I’m about to embark – I just wanted to make sure this only happens to us and not you ;-). What happened? …

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15 years waldo’s blog

Hi y’all. Get ready for the most useless post you’ll read all day. Not to me, though. I’d like to share a proud moment with you awesome people. Today, I’m blogging for 15 years ! I remember back in the day when I got my MVP Award, I was so proud that I actually wanted …

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Business Central SaaS Environment Triggers

So – thanks to my colleague Márton Sági (the AL Studio guy ;-)), I came across a quite interesting, but highly under-documented ability today in Business Central. One that makes the below post purely based on assumptions ;-), since it’s undocumented, and resides only in the platform part of Business Central (so there isn’t much …

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Business Central API – leave out CompanyId from the URL

Here’s a nice trick I wanted to share with you simply because I didn’t know this was possible (probably a lot of you already know, but if not – here you go ;-)). It could come in handy in some situations. You probably are very aware about how we’re supposed to use Business Central API’s …

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Microsoft Dynamics 365: 2022 Release Wave 1 plan (Business Central)

The “2022 Release Wave 1” plans are already out there for quite a while – Erik Hougaard already did his video about it – and there are already blogs out there about it – so it’s about time that I do that as well (as I have been doing that for the previous major releases …

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Multi-line text search in VSCode (with RegEx)

Small post – just because I needed it recently – and it made me think of this little gem that I still had to share: what if you have to search over multiple lines in multiple files in VSCode .. something that actually might happen more than you want to admit. I actually never knew …

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Happy Holidays!

Hey y’all. I just wanted to send my Holiday wishes to the community I value so much. It’s been another crazy year in terms of the world being upside down by this freaking virus. However, it has also shown us how strong this amazing community is – finding new ways to connect, share insights, or …

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The “Universal Code Initiative”

A few months ago, I blogged about a new initiative from Microsoft: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Publisher program. At Directions EMEA, we got more insights to the program. There is still the same focus and intention – but with a different approach and name. I’d like to go more into details on that, as …

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Contributing to “ALGuidelines.Dev”

I recently blogged about this new initiative .. the revival of the “NAV Design Patterns Wiki”: ALGuidelines.Dev . Time to talk a bit more on how you can contribute. I’m documenting this while I’m writing my very first pattern 😉 (I admit, I had this blogpost laying around for a while ;-)). Disclaimer We do …

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The “ALGuidelines.Dev” initiative – revival of a diamond

The cat is already out of the bag – since a few days, people already discovered it .. but the plan was to “launch” the initiative today .. so .. here we go .. ;-). As you can see on one of my previous posts – I initially was planning to share a bunch of …

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