Eric Wauters

Author's posts

Is my FactBox visible?

In one of my previous posts on “how to link a faxbox in code“, I explain .. uhm .. how you can link a faxbox in code.. (you might have guessed that). Now, one of the things you have to keep in mind (as a programmer) when doing so, is the fact that the code …

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New webhosting for waldo’s blog – moving day!

Some of you already noticed: if you go to, you get a new look&feel for “waldo’s blog”. Why? Well, not that I didn’t like my old blogging location. Really! I have been blogging at DUG from the start! From April 1st, almost 6 years ago (djeez .. I’m getting old). Not a single month …

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Moving to my own webhosting

If you’re searching for waldo’s blog about “Microsoft Dynamics NAV”, then you might be at the right place. As you can see, I’m working on having my webhosting into place.  You can find my old blog(s) here: For now, I had to move my domain name ( to this new place.  Hopefully I …

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NAV2013: (Some?) Group 2 Countries are available to download!

This day started out a little bit disappointing: I should have had a meeting with my PRS buddies today (Mark, Gary and Vjeko), but things got cancelled due to sickness :(. BUT When I arrived at the office, I was reminded of an informal “promise” that was made: that the Belgian localization of NAV2013 would …

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Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Compatibility with Microsoft Windows 8 and Microsoft Windows Server 2012

Support engineer “Zeeshan” pointed my attention to this Team Blog: I just decided to “copy” the blog to give it somewhat more attention ;-). Note that Microsoft has finished the procedure to be able to say that both Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 R2 and Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 are compatible with Microsoft Windows Server …

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Platform updates overview – 3.70.B – NAV2013 (Updated 3)

Finally a new release of “the list”. Not an easy one once again, especially because about all the KB articles of this year are not accessible (at least not for me…). So this is not a complete list. I’ve sent the problem to Microsoft, and hope to have an updated list soon.

In the meanwhile, I’ve based myzelf on the Overview of Released Platform Hotfixes for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013. although, that list is not correct, though, as it shows the same build for all the errors that were solved :-/. As you can see .. Maintaining a list like this is a challenge ;-). I corrected it..

For NAV2013, I would like to point your attention to the following KB article 2771000: “The application objects unexpectedly contain Microsoft internal change log comments in localized versions”. This means: if you’re upgrading your product or customer .. You’ll spare lots of work if you import these objects first, before you start your merge-process.

To end with, I found KB2790672 quite interesting as well. Many people and products rely on the fact to be able to use temp (buffer) as much as they want, as these do not have to be included in the license. Build 34064 is going to solve that for you.. .

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DDC: Upgrading Best Practices to NAV2013

For those who don’t know already .. With DDC I mean “Dutch Dynamics Community“. Tonight, once again, I decided to defy the bad weather .. to go to the session that Per Mogensen was doing about “Upgrading Best Practices”. It’s always nice to gain insight on that .. because let’s be honest .. NAV2013 is …

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NAV2013: How to link a factbox in code

Before you think I give you the Oracle with this article … this is actually nothing but showing you a new feature in NAV2013. New? Not really .. but that’s how Microsoft tells it :-). It wasn’t there in NAV2009 RTC .. so it must be new, right? Well, not really .. because we already …

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Belgian VAT 2013 (probably) postponed to 2014!

I have a nice Holiday-present to share with you (at least for Belgians). The application of the changes that I talked about here, are postponed to the 1st of January 2014! It is however permitted to apply these new regulations already in 2013 … but you’re not obligated to do so.. (I can hardly imagine …

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Belgian VAT 2013: “Billing” and “Exigibility”

Oh yeah, here we go again. Belgium is one of the smallest countries worldwide .. while it is TOP 5 in paying taxes .. . It took about 600 days to form our new government .. but it only took that government less than half of that time to develop (again!) new VAT rules. On …

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