Eric Wauters

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NAV Developer Preview – September (Getting started)

Yesterday, we got a new Development Preview from Microsoft. You can read the announcement on their blog. This time, a lot has changed on how the image is constructed – basically meaning that my blogs on how to get your development environment on your local system are totally outdated ;-). I will see on getting …

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Add a logo to a C/AL Extension (ExtV1)

Just to set the right expectations – this blog is intended for Extensions Version 1. In other words, extensions that are: developed completely in the well known classic C/SIDE development environment (C/AL). created, installed and published with PowerShell NOT created in VSCode The “old” (in these times still “current”) stuff sort of speak ;-). Why …

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AL with VSCode: ExportToNewSyntax

When you start doing AL development in VSCode, you inevitably will want to convert from the very old and dusty C/AL language, to the brand new shining innovative AL language :-). How that is being done, is described in multiple places. Let me just reference to this post on my blog to get you going …

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10 years waldo’s blog

I didn’t realize something .. but since April this year, I have been blogging for a full 10 years. Not THE most important topic ever created – definitly not when Microsoft announces big new things like Microsoft 365 and such – but hey, it’s holiday-season ;-). I still remember why I started blogging: I just …

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Create an offline Development Preview – enable the in-client visual designer

You might remember this post: Well, back in those days, I might have forgotten a few bits ;-). Namely to enable the in-client visual designer. Well, there is not much to it – you can simply edit the web.config-file, and add the designer-attribute in it.. . With PowerShell, you can do it with: $NAVWebConfigFile …

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NAV Developer Preview – Fix Script

When you want to experience the new developer tools, you need to set up a VM on Azure. Now, this takes a while. On top of that, it’s all “preview”. As in: “might crash”. And in: “if it crashes, there might not be a decent way out”. I was able to completely mess up my …

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Import-NAVModules: An easy way to import NAV PowerShell modules

I seem to remember that I have told you that I have created some modules in PowerShell to make my (and your) life easier in Microsoft Dynamics NAV.. ;-). Well – it seems that these modules are getting some traction. They are available on Github, and the PowerShell Gallery – and people seem to be …

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AL with VSCode: Run Extension Objects (with PowerShell)

Some time ago, Mark blogged an interesting article about running objects from extensions. You can read it here: . It made me wonder .. how would I solve this? And one of the problems of asking myself these kind of questions is .. the answer is always the same :-/: Powershell And apperantly, I …

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AL with VSCode: Symbol Rename

When you’re a NAV developer, you’re not really spoiled with developer tools. So these are exciting times .. and I think I can speak for many developers when claiming I’m very much looking forward to the upcoming developer tools. Basically because it brings us VSCode .. and VSCode brings us a grown up development experience. …

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Enable GIT on your NAV Developer Preview

When doing sessions about VSCode – one of the main advantages people always talk about (in comparison with our classic C/AL development environment (aka C/SIDE)), is “GIT Integration”. Or “Source Control Management right out-of-the-box”. I would even say that it’s difficult to work with VSCode without actually controlling your software. Out-of-the-box GIT Support VS Code …

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