Tag: Announcement

Interesting Links for Dynamics NAV

Just a friendly reminder – I’ve added “interesting links” on the top menu .. . Recenly, I added the ones below (in yellow). The Community Forums/Community sites: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Community page Mibuso Dynamics User Group MSDynamics.de NAVUG Blogs: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Team Blog Navigate Into Success Freddys Blog Plataan’s Blog Kine’s Info Mark Brummel’s …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2013/06/04/interesting-links-for-dynamics-nav-2/

Availability of NAV2009 (Advanced) extended

This is an example of “double ethical ambiguity” (like we called it in school – a long time ago (in a galaxy..)). As NAV2013 is the best release ever (which I really mean in many ways) .. and can even sometimes called “the release that NAV2009 should have been” .. then why is Microsoft pleased …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2013/05/16/availability-of-nav2009-advanced-extended/

New NAV 2013 Localizations: Iceland, Switzerland and Norway

After the announcement of the Dynamics NAV 2013 release in Austria .. and as expected .. now also Iceland, Switzerland and Norway has their localization of NAV2013! Way to go! You can download it here These localizations are available at the moment: AU-Australia AT-Austria BE-Belgium CA-Canada DK-Denmark FI-Finland FR-France DE-Germany IS – Iceland IN-India IT-Italy …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2013/05/02/new-nav-2013-localizations-iceland-switzerland-and-norway/

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Now Available in Austria

After a very early release in Belgium (whoop whoop :-)) I’m happy to see that now NAV 2013 was also released in Austria. And the news gets even better: also the Icelandic, Swiss and Norwegian markets are planned for this month! Is there only good news? No .. sorry :-(. It seems that the Country …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2013/04/17/microsoft-dynamics-nav-2013-now-available-in-austria/

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Feature Comparison Tool

I first heard about it on Facebook from Jörg Stryk. And now I got the same “announcement” by Microsoft .. so let’s share it for you: Microsoft has developed a “Feature Comparison Tool” where you can compare different versions of NAV with each other. Just select your current release in the tool and see what …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2013/04/16/microsoft-dynamics-nav-2013-feature-comparison-tool/

How Do I Video’s on Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Some of you might already have read it on some blogposts or found it through some other channels .. but I didn’t mention it yet. So let’s do so :-). Microsoft has initiated a really great initiative (please notice the huge alliteration .. ). They have begun creating “How To” Video’s for a number of …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2013/04/11/how-do-i-videos-on-microsoft-dynamics-nav/

25 years of NAV(ision)

I had missed this, but in December 2012, “Henning” posted this on the blog of “Partner Power international”: http://www.partnerpowerinternational.com/blog/nav-turned-25-years-congratulations This is something to give lots of attention .. .  Henning wrote down a nicely written history of the software we love so much.  Thanks for this, Henning!  To not steal too much, I won’t copy …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2013/02/25/25-years-of-navision/

NAV 2013: Certification overview

NAV 2013 has been there for a while now. And as expected .. there is an updated requirement for the “ERP Competency” for partners. You can find all information here: https://mspartner.microsoft.com/nl/be/Pages/Membership/enterprise-resource-planning-competency-requirements-gold.aspx and I strongly recommend you to read through this very carefully. A few points that I would like to stress out From May 2013, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2013/02/20/nav-2013-certification-overview-2/

New webhosting for waldo’s blog – moving day!

Some of you already noticed: if you go to www.waldo.be, you get a new look&feel for “waldo’s blog”. Why? Well, not that I didn’t like my old blogging location. Really! I have been blogging at DUG from the start! From April 1st, almost 6 years ago (djeez .. I’m getting old). Not a single month …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2013/02/06/new-webhosting-for-waldos-blog/

Training material: What’s new in NAV2013

Today, Microsoft pointed my attention to some online training material for all partners getting ready for NAV2013. Just thought you’d be interested ;-): Technical Training Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Installation and Deployment New Features – SharePoint and Web Client https://training.partner.microsoft.com/learning/app/management/LMS_ActDetails.aspx?UserMode=0&ActivityId=820825 Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Integration New Features – Email Logging and Outlook Synchronization https://training.partner.microsoft.com/learning/app/management/LMS_ActDetails.aspx?UserMode=0&ActivityId=823321 Microsoft …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.waldo.be/2012/11/20/training-material-whats-new-in-nav2013/