You probably know about the twitter hashtag “bcalhelp” .. A way for you to ask help on twitter about anything AL for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Well – yesterday, it made me smile … there was someone that was trying to find something on Vjeko’s blog. Pretty clever to use the bcalhelp for it :-), because he immediately got response. Here is the twitter thread (if you can call a question/answer a thread ;-)):
You see that “trickynamics” got immediate response from “Marton Sagi” .. And if you don’t know Marton Sagi – then you probably realize that you actually do, because it’s the guy behind the AL Object Designer – one you should add to your VSCode Extensions ;-).
Anyway – not being able to search Vjeko’s blog is something that needs to be fixed. It’s unthinkable. So I decided to contribute to that – and I would encourage all the social-engaged people in the community to blog or share this one on all levels ;-).
How to search Vjeko’s Blog:
Well, it’s a wordpress blog, and every wordpress blog can be searched by adding “/?s=querystring“. Just try to search my blog on the top right, and see what URL you get. A similar thing you can do with vjeko’s blog.
So, a few examples:
- If you want to search for waldo:
- If you want to search for multiple words, like “waldo’s blog”:
- Or actually something useful:
- Or:
You get the picture 😉
How come the search is removed? Doesn’t Vjeko want us to search his blog anymore?
Well, I talked to him, and he is actually in the process of moving his blog to his own server – and moving a wordpress apparently comes with some challenges .. so let’s give him some time, I guess ;-).
Yes, with all the heavy content out there, I thought it was time for a lightweight article – which is mainly meant as a joke to put a smile on some faces ;-). Enjoy…
3 pings
trickynamics here and you put someone a smile into his face and then I felt sorry for vjeko 😅
Vjeko, if you read this article: I tried to send you a direct message via twitter but this option was also not activated xD
Oooor you could use Google or many other search engines using the “site:” keyword. So the website you are searching does not even have to implement search: Business Central
Guys, thanks for bringing this to my attention. I’ll fix this promptly… Or a bit less so. The theme I chose doesn’t have a built-in search capability so I have to hack something out. Given how much time I have on my hands these days, this may come a bit later, rather than sooner, but let’s see.
Thanks, Waldo, bro!
[…] True, there was no episode 1, not on this blog. But if Star Wars can start with episode 4, I don’t see why can’t I start with episode 2. Especially when Waldo has already written episode 1. […]
[…] True, there was no episode 1, not on this blog. But if Star Wars can start with episode 4, I don’t see why can’t I start with episode 2. Especially when Waldo has already written episode 1. […]
[…] True, there was no episode 1, not on this blog. But if Star Wars can start with episode 4, I don’t see why can’t I start with episode 2. Especially when Waldo has already written episode 1. […]