NAVTechDays is already over for a while .. and yes, I already blogged about it. But I recently had to refer to a part of my session on “Development Methodologies”, and I noticed that someone named “Marcus Nordlund” actually put quite some time to completely “menutize” the video in the comment section of the video :-).
Awesome effort that I needed to share! Thanks, Marcus!
Here it is:
- Future 3:08
- Development methodologies 3:52
- Embracing Depencies when moving to AL 9:27
- Moving to AL
- Dependencies 13:16
- Dependencies – Why? 13:52
- Dependencies – How? 15:04
- Dependencies – Schema example 15:16
- Code Example of schema 15:59
- Dependencies – Real schema example 19:27
- Please Think things through 20:13
- How do I think things through when moving to AL 20:53
- Dependecny Analysis based on c/al 21:07
- waldo.Model.Tools 22:13
- Flow 25:15
- Get All objects from C/AL & Talg all 25:34
- Manually correcting/Ignoring modules 30:00
- Get Where Used per object 30:14
- Analyze dependencies per module 32:33
- What is a circular dependency? 32:27
- Solve circular dependecies 35:57
- Change design 37:15
- Manually create App-layer 39:27
- Analyze dependencies for app 39:48
- Solve Circual dependencies again 40:27
- Tools we used are availabile for you 41:13
- Dependecy-stuff a bit further 41:41
- Don’tNet 58:25
- Some other more hands-on develoment methodologies 59:09
- Where do we put business logic 59:18
- One App, One Repository 1:06:00
- Test Driven Development 1:08:11
- Breaking Changes 1:13:56
- Number Series 1:15:12
- Translations 1:16:48
- Summary Development methodologies 1:18:08
- Questions 1:18:20Move code from tables to codeunit 1:18:55
- Test Codunit – test XML ports 1:19:40
- Tips for connection between BC and Azure DevOps 1:20:38
- Where do you do the builds of apps? 1:22:26
- Multiple apps, extend a table will be many separate tables 1:23:29
- Upgrading testdriven development when converting to apps 1:25:02
- When has it been to hard to do it in AL 1:25:44
Here is the complete video:
From evaluations this session was evaluated as “Best Session” and me as “Best Speaker” of the conference – something I’m really proud of given the awesome content and speakers every single year :-).
This is an enormously helpful resource, and thank you to everyone who went to the trouble to prepare it in this form. Had I been there, I would have raised my hand and asked this question: Can you explain how one would achieve the “Table.Method” syntax, where Method is an external function in a code unit? I am having trouble understanding how the code unit variable reference gets compressed out of that notation.
Thanks again!