AL Code Analysis Rules (Diagnostic Descriptors) – Updated Again

I have been blogging a few times about the Diagnostic Descriptors we get when enabling code analysis. Well – yet again, we have new ones. But I’m not going to keep updating these rulesets, as Microsoft is now doing that on docs. So let me give you one more overview, and the resources to the pages on docs per analyzer.

Here we go….

For AppSourceCop, it was already known for a while, but now the cop is going to make sure you have a translation file when creating an app for AppSource. On top of that, also quite a good one, it makes sure you don’t forget the data classification (cfr. GDPR in Europe)

DiagnosticId Title Description MessageFormat Category Default Severety IsEnabledByDefault
AS0001 Tables cannot be deleted. Tables cannot be deleted. Table ‘{0}’ has been deleted. Upgrade Error


AS0002 Fields cannot be deleted. Fields cannot be deleted. Field ‘{0}’ has been deleted from table ‘{1}’. Upgrade Error


AS0003 The previous version was not found. The previous version was not found. The previous version was not found. Name='{0}’, Publisher='{1}’, Version'{2}’ Upgrade Warning


AS0004 Fields cannot change type. Fields cannot change type. Field ‘{0}’ has changed type from ‘{1}’ to ‘{2}’. Type changes are not allowed. Upgrade Error


AS0005 Fields cannot change name. Fields cannot change name. Field ‘{0}’ has changed name to ‘{1}’. Name changes are not allowed. Upgrade Error


AS0006 Tables cannot change name. Tables cannot change name. Table ‘{0}’ has changed name to ‘{1}’. Name changes are not allowed. Upgrade Error


AS0007 Properties cannot change value. Properties cannot change value. The property ‘{0}’ has changed value. Value change is not allowed for this property. Upgrade Error


AS0008 Keys cannot change name. Keys cannot change name. Key ‘{0}’ has changed name to ‘{1}’. Name changes are not allowed. Upgrade Error


AS0009 Key fields cannot be changed. Key fields cannot be changed. Key ‘{0}’ has changed the key fields. Changes to the field list are not allowed. Upgrade Error


AS0010 Keys cannot be deleted. Keys cannot be deleted. Key ‘{0}’ has been deleted. Key deletions is not allowed. Upgrade Error


AS0011 A prefix is required A prefix is required The identifier ‘{0}’ must have the prefix ‘{1}’. Extensibility Error


AS0012 A suffix is required A suffix is required The identifier ‘{0}’ must have the suffix ‘{1}’. Extensibility Error


AS0013 The field identifier must be within the allowed range. The field identifier must be within the allowed range. The field identifier ‘{0}’ is not valid. It must be within the allowed range ‘{1}’ – ‘{2}’ Extensibility Error


AS0014 The project manifest must contain the allocated identifier range. The project manifest must contain the allocated identifier range. The project manifest must contain the allocated identifier range. Extensibility Error


AS0015 Please enable the TranslationFile feature in the app.json file for your project. Please enable the TranslationFile feature in the app.json file for your project. Please enable the TranslationFile feature in the app.json file for your project. Extensibility Error


AS0016 Fields of field class ‘Normal’ must use the DataClassification property and its value should be different from ToBeClassified. Fields of field class ‘Normal’ must use the DataClassification property and its value must be different from ToBeClassified. FlowFields and FlowFilter fields are automatically set to the SystemMetadata data classification. Field with name ‘{0}’ must use the DataClassification property and its value should be different from ToBeClassified. Extensibility Error


Also new stuff in the CodeCop (the generic analyzer which you should always enable):

AA0001 There must be exactly one space character on each side of a binary operator such as := + – AND OR =. There must be exactly one space character on each side of a binary operator such as := + – AND OR =. The parameter comma operator however, should have no spaces. There must be exactly one space character on each side of ‘{0}’. Readability Warning


AA0002 There must be no space character. There must be no space character between a unary operator and its argument. There must be no space character after ‘{0}’. Readability Warning


AA0003 There must be exactly one space character between the NOT operator and its argument. There must be exactly one space character between the NOT operator and its argument. There must be exactly one space character after ‘{0}’. Readability Warning


AA0005 Only use BEGIN..END to enclose compound statements. Only use BEGIN..END to enclose compound statements. Only use BEGIN..END to enclose compound statements. Readability Warning


AA0008 Function calls should have parenthesis even if they do not have any parameters. Use parenthesis in a function call even if the function does not have any parameters. You must specify open and close parenthesis after ‘{0}’. Readability Warning


AA0013 When BEGIN follows THEN, ELSE, DO, it should be on the same line, preceded by one space character. When BEGIN follows THEN, ELSE, DO, it should be on the same line, preceded by one space character. When BEGIN follows THEN, ELSE, DO, it should be on the same line, preceded by one space character. Readability Warning


AA0018 The END, IF, REPEAT, UNTIL, FOR, WHILE and CASE statement should always start a line. The END, IF, REPEAT, UNTIL, FOR, WHILE and CASE statement should always start a line. The ‘{0}’ keyword should always start a line. Readability Warning


AA0021 Variable declarations should be ordered by type. Variable declarations should be ordered by type. In general, object and complex variable types are listed first followed by simple variables. Variable declarations should be ordered by type. Readability Warning


AA0022 Substitute the IF THEN ELSE structure with a CASE. An IF followed by two or more ELSE IF should be replaced with a CASE. Substitute the IF THEN ELSE structure with a CASE. Readability Warning


AA0040 Avoid using nested WITH statements It can be difficult to see what variable that a member variable or function refers to, when nesting WITH statements of variables with different types This WITH statement is nested inside another WITH statement at ‘{0}’ Readability Warning


AA0074 TextConst and Label variable names should have an approved suffix. TextConst and Label variable names should have a suffix (an approved three-letter suffix: Msg, Tok, Err, Qst, Lbl, Txt) describing usage. TextConst and Label variable ‘{0}’ must have a suffix from this list: Msg, Tok, Err, Qst, Lbl, Txt. Readability Warning


AA0100 Do not have identifiers with quotes in the name. Do not have identifiers with quotes in the name. Do not have identifiers with quotes in the name. Design Warning


AA0101 Use camel case captions in pages of type API. For pages of the type API and all their field controls, the Caption property value should be camel-cased to follow the Microsoft REST API Guidelines. For pages of the type API and all their field controls, the Caption property value should be camel-cased. Design Warning


AA0102 Use camel case name for field controls in pages of type API. Field controls in pages of type API should have a camel case name in order to follow the Microsoft REST API Guidelines. Field controls in pages of type API should have a camel case name. Design Warning


AA0136 Do not write code that will never be hit. Do not write code that will never be hit. Unreachable code detected. Design Warning


AA0137 Do not declare variables that are unused. Do not declare variables that are unused. Variable ‘{0}’ is unused in the method ‘{1}’. Design Warning


AA0139 Do not assign a text to a target with smaller size. Do not assign a text to a target with smaller size. Possible overflow assigning ‘{0}’ to ‘{1}’. Design Warning


AA0161 Only use ASSERTERROR in Test Codeunits. Only use ASSERTERROR in Test Codeunits. Only use ASSERTERROR in Test Codeunits. Design Warning


AA0194 Only write actions that have an effect. Remember to specify either the ‘OnAction’ trigger or ‘RunObject’ property on an action. Remember to specify either the ‘OnAction’ trigger or ‘RunObject’ property on an action. Design Warning


The “PerTenantExtensionCop” analyzes as if you are writing a one-off customization for a customer in the cloud – so different rules apply.

PTE0001 Object ID must be in free range. Object ID must be in free range. {0} ‘{1}’ has an ID of [{2}]. It must be between {3} and {4}. ObjectValidation Error


PTE0002 Field ID must be in free range. Field ID must be in free range. Field ‘{0}’ has an ID of [{1}]. It must be between {2} and {3}. ObjectValidation Error


PTE0003 Functions must not subscribe to CompanyOpen events. Functions must not subscribe to CompanyOpen events. Function {0} subscribes to {1}. ObjectValidation Error


PTE0004 Table definitions must have a matching permission set. Table definitions must have a matching permission set. Table ‘{0}’ is missing a matching permission set. ObjectValidation Error


PTE0005 Property ‘target’ has invalid value. ‘Internal’ is a reserved usage for the ‘target’ property. App.json ‘target’ property must not be set to ‘Internal’. PackageValidation Error


PTE0006 Encryption key functions must not be invoked. Encryption key functions must not be invoked. Encryption key function ‘{0}’ is not allowed. PackageValidation Error


PTE0007 Test assertion functions are not allowed in a non-test context. Test assertion functions are not allowed in a non-test context. Assertion function ‘{0}’ must not be invoked. PackageValidation Error


PTE0008 Fields must use ApplicationArea property. Fields must use ApplicationArea property. Field with name ‘{0}’ must have a value for the ApplicationArea property. PackageValidation Error


PTE0009 This app.json property must not be used for per-tenant extensions. The properties ‘HelpBaseUrl’ and ‘SupportedLocales’ are reserved for translation apps. The app.json ‘{0}’ property must not be used for per-tenant extensions. PackageValidation Error


Last but not least: the UICop to check the UI if UI guidelines are met.

AW0001 The Web client does not support displaying the Request page of XMLPorts. The Web client does not support displaying the Request page of XMLPorts. The Web client does not support displaying the Request page of the XMLPort ‘{0}’. WebClient Warning


AW0002 The Web client does not support displaying both Actions and Fields in Cue Groups. Only Fields will be displayed. The Web client does not support displaying both Actions and Fields in Cue Groups. Only Fields will be displayed. The Web client does not support displaying both Actions and Fields in the Cue Group ‘{0}’. Only Fields will be displayed. WebClient Warning


AW0003 The Web client does not support displaying Repeater controls containing Parts. The Web client does not support displaying Repeater controls containing Parts. The Web client does not support displaying Repeater controls containing Parts. WebClient Warning


AW0004 A Blob cannot be used as a source expression for a page field. A Blob cannot be used as a source expression for a page field. A Blob cannot be used as a source expression for a page field. WebClient Warning


AW0005 Actions should use the Image property. Actions should use the Image property. Action with name ‘{0}’ should have a value for the Image property. WebClient Info


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