Small little post to wish you all the best in 2015 (and all the years to come, of course .. not only 2015 :-)). May the best moments in 2014 be the worst in 2015! Always liked that sentence :-).
There are a few (very different) things that I would like to mention ..
Mainstream Support for NAV 2009 ends January 13, 2015
I already mentioned this .. and now it’s really coming very close. You can find the official message here as well. Why not January 1st? Well, I guess to not ruin our holiday spirit ;-). I expect not to receive any legal updates anymore that contain forms or classic reports. And that will cause major issues when you – as partner – want to support classic customers (guess what – there still are “some” classic customers). I wish you good luck in this challenge to come..
NAVTechDays Reviews are in
And the result for me personally was fantastic. My session was voted to be the best session at the conference! Who would have expected that, while PowerShell is believed to be “as boring as watching an old man eat” ;-). On top of that, people also seemed to have liked my way of speaking, being voted the second best speaker after (of course) Vjeko (but only beaten by 0.2% ;-)).
It’s not my intention to give the impression that it’s a competition … not at all … but hey, if you get reviews that show that people really enjoyed what you did .. there is no better satisfaction ;-). Sorry for bragging .. but then again .. not really ;-).
I just found out that the recording of that session is not only on MiBuSo, but also on youtube. Apparently, someone has been uploading all the video’s to it. You can find it here.
Some blog stats
The big advantage of having your blog on WordPress is all the goodies they do. A few days ago, I got a mail with 2014 statistics. Not that it’s of any use, or that the stats are mind blowing good (I wouldn’t even know what is good or not), but they have a way of making you feel good about the stats anyway. If you’re interested, you can find the full report here.
Thanks to all of you, spread over 161 countries, that have visited my blog! And thanks for all the great comments! Let’s continue in 2015!
Good intentions for 2015..
Oh yeah, and if you haven’t made any good intentions for 2015 .. well, invest in your PowerShell knowledge! Make yourself a PowerShell guru by the end of the year .. and your life will become so much easier :-). Here is a video that I watched recently that I really liked:
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