I’d like to raise some attention on this topic, as this is quite important for partners that are supporting customers. In the old days, we received fobs and txt files with objects that only contained the changes for the TAX update. On top of that .. different TAX updates within one NAV release, were based on each other. So, the second update was based on the first and so on.
So what was the problem?
Well, I think we can all agree that there were sometimes quite a lot of quality-related issues with it. It was fairly easy to do it, because the number of objects was usually limited .. but a lot of partners have a lot of customers .. So doing it twice was out of the question. Now, there were times that it needed to be done a couple of times, because of .. uhm .. “undocumented features”.
As you know, now we have Cumulative Updates. And you should really work on your product and upgrade-organization that way, that it is “easy” to “upgrade” to the latest cumulative update. Definitely now because the TAX updates (which are quite important for most of the customers …) are included IN these cumulative updates.
My guess is that it’s not going to be possible anymore to just do the changes to comply with TAX regulations. You’ll have to upgrade to the latest CU.
No need to tell you more. Just read it on PartnerSource. Two things left to say though:
- It’s applicable for all Microsoft Supported Countries where Cumulative Updates exist.
- It’s applicable for versions Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 and higher.
My two cents
The new Merge-commandlets are going to be very useful for this. Only thing is .. You’ll have to work on your development guidelines and products that way, that it’s “always” easy to merge the new updates into you product/customerdb’s. Internally we have done this the past year-and-a-half .. with succes. An CU only costs us about 15 minutes of real merge-work .. the rest is automated.. .
1 pings
Hi Waldo, we have been trying to use the hook pattern as much as possible and use mergetool to do the merging and this has increased the speed considerably!
But most of the time merging is not the only issue. You have the plattform updates as well. And if you have a client with ~20 users and more you need to install every client as well and that can be a time consuming process.
How do you generally handle this?
Use ClickOnce?
All the clients on terminal servers?
Skip the platformupdates?
Or just reinstall every client on each users machine?
Good to hear that Hooks are helping other people as well :-).
Regarding installation of the Platform updates, these are a few tips that we personally take into account:
– Use Terminal services where you can. It still makes a lot of sense to use it, for maintenance reasons like platform updates
– For most platform updates, we make “Streamlined DVD’s”. We don’t actually make DVD’s of it, we make a new ISO, or new folder of all files of the RTM, and we replace the RTM files with the platform updates on all places necessary. From then on, we have a streamlined .. updated .. DVD, and we can use that to do a full install with a new platform update.
– Place your CD on a shared folder, and install EVERYTHING from that shared folder. All cliens, all services, .. everything. If you do this, you can always use the same place to do the platform updates by just replacing the files. For installing clients, we usually make a config and a shortcut, so that for client installation it’s just a matter of using the shortcut.
– If you want to update the software, just replace that folder with the new streamlined DVD. Make sure all files are in the exact same place. Now, the only thing you have to do, is to call setup from the exact same place (network location) as you did before .. and you’ll have the chance to “Repair”. The repair is going to do everything you need to do during a platform update. Restart services and you’re done! Sure, you have to “repair” on all PC’s that is running NAV software, but it’s easy this way.. .
We’re not using ClickOnce for OnPremise installations. But sure, this could help you as well, I guess.. . Haven’t dived into it ..
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