Platform updates overview – NAV2013

Yesterday, the Platform updates for NAV2009 were updated. Today, it’s the turn of NAV2013.

When I was updating the list, these two interesting hotfixes came to my attention. I thought it was interesting to mention them here as well:

Well, this is not a Platform update, but nevertheless, an interesting development, as Microsoft is making it easier for (some of) us by bundling a bunch of code-changes in one “rollup”.

Just be careful .. it’s only for some of us, namely only for group 1 countries. I will never be able to benefit from it .. Just like the test toolkit and a lot of other benefits group 1 countries have… (grrr)

Still, I strongly recommend you reading through this, as there are some pages for the unfortunate countries available as well, like: Overview of Local Application Hotfixes not Included in Update Rollups for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

But anyway .. as I try to concentrate on Platform Updates, here is the updated list for NAV2013:

Version Update Build No. KB number Info


Update 0.1



You cannot import a table as a .fob file if the table contains a RecordID field in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
Update 0.2



“You entered an invalid expression in the filter” error message when you apply a filter on field value by using a quoted case-insensitive wildcard in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
Update 0.3






The system displays incorrect symbols for fields and leads you to an incorrect field when you click an error in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
“Invalid object name ‘[NAVDBName].dbo.[CompanyName]_$[TableName]$VSIFT$[Number]’. Statement(s) could not be prepared” error message when you run the SETAUTOCALCFIELDS function to calculate flowfields in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

The Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 client crashes when an ERROR command is executed several times in C/AL code

The QuickEntry functionality does not work in a page that contains non-scrolling or fixed columns in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

Update 0.4






Printing is aborted when you try to print a report that has no columns in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
Japanese DBCS characters are displayed as garbled characters in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

A subpage tries to insert a record if the value from the subpage link is blank in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

You experience slow performance when you run the SETAUTOCALCFIELDS function in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

Update 0.5




Memory leak occurs when you use the FieldRef variable to transfer data in Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Data is not displayed in additional fields when you click to show additional fields for the second time on a page in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
Update 0.6






Unexpected results when you use the FORMAT function in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
The system displays an incorrect field name in the filter drop-down list after you specify a CaptionClass property for the field in Microsoft Dynamics NAV

The system removes all customizations from a page unexpectedly after you customize fast tabs on the page in Microsoft Dynamics NAV

The Application event log does not indicate the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance when an error occurs in a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Server instance

Update 0.7








Field caption is not displayed on a page that contains a “FixedLayout” type group in the RoleTailored client in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
The system does not display field captions at the bottom of the “C/AL Symbol Menu” form unexpectedly in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

You are redirected to the designer form instead of the C/AL code when you click OK in the “C/AL Symbol Menu” form in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

Match options are unavailable when you try to perform a Find operation on the Caption column in Object Designer in the Development Environment in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

The system checks for license permissions when you access a table that uses the SourceTableTemporary property in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

The Quick Entry feature does not work as expected on a page if there is a column that contains a dynamic style expression on the page in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

Update 0.8



You cannot export an amount that uses a decimal grouping symbol to an Excel worksheet in a multilanguage environment in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
Update 0.9









The system tries to delete the header unexpectedly when you press Ctrl + Del on an empty line in a subpage in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
The “DisablePersonalization” parameter does not work as expected when you change language in the RoleTailored client in Microsoft Dynamics NAV

The TableRelation property does not work as expected for a flow field in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

The “DisablePersonalization” parameter does not work as expected when you change language in the RoleTailored client in Microsoft Dynamics NAV

The Web client crashes when you run the Lookup function on a field in the Web client in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

“Error Code: 22928072. Page xyz must close” error message when you create a record in a table that has a field whose “SQLDataType” property is set to Integer in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

The system tries to delete the header unexpectedly when you press Ctrl + Del on an empty line in a subpage in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

Update 0.10





The RoleTailored client (RTC) crashes when you run a functionality in which the BlankZero property is used in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
“A server error has occurred, and the content cannot be displayed” error message when you use the Web client in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

The OnValidate trigger is executed two times when you press the TAB key to move from one field to another field on a page in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

Update 0.11



Users are converted without the domain name when you run a database conversion to upgrade a database from Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
Update 0.12













The Web client crashes when you run the Lookup function on a field in the Web client in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
“The right side of an ‘|’ operator cannot be empty” error message when you run C/AL code in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 if a filter in an option string contains a gap

Dialog boxes that are defined in code do not work as expected in the RoleTailored client (RTC) in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

SQL error when you browse the list of filtered chart of accounts in the RoleTailored client (RTC) in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

You receive an error message when you create generic charts in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 if you use a non-English language

The RoleTailored client (RTC) freezes if you use Word Interop in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

The ShowPageSearch parameter in the Web.config file does not work if you set it to False in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

You receive a meaningless error message when you import data from an Excel worksheet whose cell contains a mixture of normal text and bold text to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

The TRANSFERFIELDS function does not work as expected in temporary tables that contain BLOB type fields in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

FIND(‘=<>’) statement works incorrectly in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

The system creates blank captions when you use CaptionClass in a cue in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

Update 0.13




Error occurs when you use DotNet-type variable in a page in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
Search page list is difficult to read in classic mode in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
Update 0.14







The “Customize FastTab” and the “Customize Action Pane” functions do not work as expected when you set the visibility property in code for a field or an action in a page in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
The “Customize FastTab” and the “Customize Action Pane” functions do not work as expected when you set the visibility property in code for a field or an action in a page in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

“Could not load file or assembly” error message when you run the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Application Server (NAS) with multiple sessions in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

“The record implementation must be for C/SIDE” error message and the RoleTailored client (RTC) crashes when you run an XMLPort with the export option in RTC in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

“You may not enter numbers manually” error message when you create sales invoice lines for certain line types in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

Update 0.15




RoleTailored client (RTC) crashes when you close the “Item Availability by Timeline” dialog box in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
“‘Date’ is not an option” error message when you drill down into an amount in the “Receivables-Payables” dialog box in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 with English language selected
Update 0.16






“Your program license does not permit more users to work simultaneously” error message when you run the “Send to Microsoft Excel” function in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
New PowerShell cmdlets for user administration in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

Date period filter does not work as expected in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

You cannot manage a Microsoft Dynamics NAV database server by using the management console in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 if the database server name contains an underscore character

Update 0.17



Insert permission in XMLPort does not work in Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Update 0.18







Table relation does not work as expected when you rename a record in a table where the DataPerCompany property is set to No in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
The classic client crashes when you move a menu up over the Lost Items menu in Microsoft Dynamics NAV

The PromotedIsBig property does not work as expected when you change the Visible property by using variables for a button in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

“The Chart definition “ChartDefinition” contains a measure which refers to a field “” with an unsupported data type” Error message when you run a query that contains a Count method in a Generic chart in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

Error code 22928072 when you run the GET function to obtain a non-integer value from a table in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

Update 0.19




“The following SQL Error was unexpected Incorrect syntax near ‘)” error message when you set the AutoIncrement property to true in a table in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
You experience performance issues when you run a Super-SQL query to populate a page in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
Update 0.20





CHANGECOMPANY function does not work in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
You cannot open the Card page when you configure IndentationColumnName and IndentationControls properties in the Web client in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

System ignores the settings in the “Printer Selections” dialog box when you print a document from preview in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

Update 0.21








“The file appears to be corrupted” error message when you open an attachment for an Interaction template in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
You cannot save a picture in a contact card if you update other fields in the contact card in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

You cannot configure a profile in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

You cannot run a command that contains a “(” or “)” character in PowerShell for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

Microsoft Dynamics NAV crashes when you add a filter to an option field in Microsoft Dynamics NAV

OptionCaption and OptionCaptionML are removed when you upgrade a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 database to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

Update 0.22




Development Environment crashes when you design an object in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
The Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Windows client freezes when you print a report from a page
Update 0.23











Nothing is imported when you import system tables as a .fob file in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
Report Viewer progress bar appears over a Microsoft Dynamics NAV window in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

You can print a report from preview if you use the CurrReport.PREVIEW C/AL command in the OnPreReport trigger in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

XMLport is sensitive to attributes order in Microsoft Dynamics NAV

The RoleTailored client (RTC) freezes if you keep an interaction template in a Word document open for 10 to 15 minutes in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

Set-NavServerUser cmdlet does not work as expected in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

XMLport in CSV mode does not validate the data in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

MESSAGE in C/AL does not work for the NAS service in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

You experience slow performance when you open a page that use flowfields in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

Update 0.24



Update Rollup 1 for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 (Build 34587)
Update 0.25







The “page.RUNMODAL := Action::CLOSE” C/AL statement can be compiled unexpectedly in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
You cannot pass a record type variable into an XMLport in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

“The object file cannot be used with this version of the program” error message when you export an object from Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 to a folder that already has Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 objects

Contents of note parts are difficult to read because of a dark blue background when you run the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Windows Client over Terminal Server, RDP or Citrix

Incorrect records are selected when you mark records on a repeater with the ShowAsTreeView property enabled in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

Update 0.26





Wrong error message when you create a web server instance with a name longer than 30 characters in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
Sessions are not dropped after the Windows client crashes in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

“Filter component was specified with no filter found on page” error message when you add or remove a column in a list page in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

Update 0.27







OnAfterAssignField trigger is not executed when you import an XML file that contains a blank value in the RoleTailored client (RTC) in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
Data is not displayed correctly when you run a fixed layout page modally in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

You cannot enter a negative number by adding the minus sign after the number in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

“The Element <address> is expected by Min Occurs value” error message when you import an XML file in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

OnRename trigger is not called as expected in a page that has the SourceTableTemporary property enabled in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

Update 0.28



Update Rollup 2 for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 (Build 34688)
Update 0.29



Platform hotfix for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 (Build 34698)

346927 The Windows client hangs when you rename a company

346345 XMLports do not handle prefixed Namespaces

346399 A flowfield that is calculated from a table that has DataPerCompany set to Yes shows data for all companies when the flowfield is added to a table that has DataPerCompany set to No

346356 The current page does not change when you enter a page number in the Current Page field in Print Preview for a report

345162 Microsoft Excel hangs when you run Send to Excel

Update 0.30



Platform hotfix for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 (Build 34745)

345597 NAS service incorrectly uses a user session

346483 Performance improvements for CaptionClassTranslate function in codeunit 1

346726 It is not possible to add field groups to the User table

346733 “.NET interop: internal error, bad id ’27 : 1′” or “Could not load type ‘Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel” error messages when you compile a codeunit that has a XlApp DotNet Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.ApplicationClass variable

347443 “The configuration settings ‘ServiceAccount’ is not valid for Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server” error message when you create a new server instance from the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration Tool with build 34645 or later builds

347692 The Windows client crashes randomly when you make changes to records in large document pages

347858 New Cmdlet that shows web applications that are installed for a web site and their properties: Get-NAVWebServerInstance

Update 0.31



Platform hotfix for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 (Build 34769)

346167 The COUNT function returns incorrect result if DataCacheSize is too small

346678 Conditional action visibility does not work as expected for actions on a SubPage

347036 The Windows client crashes when you print a report

347703 “The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address” error message when you send an email message

347846 The NEXT function returns incorrect record when it is used with a parameter value that is greater than 49

347947 Threading issue with WordHandler

Some interesting version-specific links:


  • The text in italic and yellow means that that peace was added or changed since last update.
3.67 avg. rating (78% score) - 3 votes

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  1. Rollup 4 rolled out a while ago. NL is now also included. Seems they are drawing more and more countries into the update. So… here’s to hoping BE gets in eventually. As it is, it’s too much work to merge the W1 fixes with a BE Cronus.

    Wish someone would do the work for me and release a Rollup 4 for BE :p

  2. So true 😉

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