At the time when writing this post .. I’m in the plane after a most amazing day. You might not know, but since a few years, we (that are Mark Brummel, Gary Winter, Vjeko and me) have been working on-and-off on an initiative called “Partner Ready Software“. I have been blogging about that in the …
Tag: Development
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NAV 2013: RTC crashes because of language NAS user
I use the Jobqueue as much as I can for automating jobs. It’s decent, stable, good, flexible. It makes sense, doesn’t it? But after installing a language pack (NLB and FRB – quite common in Belgium :-/) .. it didn’t seem the most valid opinion I had.. : my RTC was crashing 10 …
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The power of Variants
This blogpost of Arend Jan Kauffman reminded me of a topic that I wanted to write a very long time now. Namely working with Variants. Sometimes I get the remark: “what the hell are they useful for? “. And to be honest: Variants could be bloody useful in some cases. Cases to make stuff even …
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How Do I Video’s on Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Some of you might already have read it on some blogposts or found it through some other channels .. but I didn’t mention it yet. So let’s do so :-). Microsoft has initiated a really great initiative (please notice the huge alliteration .. ). They have begun creating “How To” Video’s for a number of …
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Pre-Configuration in NAV2013 (Profile Metadata)
Configuration, Personalisation, .. . Terms that were introduced in NAV2009, and that we all know by now, don’t we? It gives us a great flexibility of the behaviour of the clients: Flexibility to the user: they can add, remove, change, .. The pages according to their role .. . Flexibility to the administrator: they can …
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NAV 2013: Implementing the Application Test Toolset
As you probably know, since NAV 2009, there is some kind of framework built in the C/SIDE environment that can deal with application testing. Usually referred to as “Testing Framework” or “Test codeunits” or “Test Toolset” or “probably-some-kind-of-other-description-I-don’t-think-of-at-this-moment-but-deals-with-testing-the-functionality-of-your-(customized)-NAV-solution”. As we (iFacto) are rebuilding our internal solution for NAV2013, I have to include the Test Toolset …
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Importing a filtered set of objects from fob
I noticed that a number of people just didn’t know this .. so let’s give it some attention. In one sentence: it is possible to import a filtered set of objects in stead of always importing all objects from a .fob file by using and filtering the Import Worksheet. I hear you: dude .. this …
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Is my FactBox visible?
In one of my previous posts on “how to link a faxbox in code“, I explain .. uhm .. how you can link a faxbox in code.. (you might have guessed that). Now, one of the things you have to keep in mind (as a programmer) when doing so, is the fact that the code …
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NAV2013: How to link a factbox in code
Before you think I give you the Oracle with this article … this is actually nothing but showing you a new feature in NAV2013. New? Not really .. but that’s how Microsoft tells it :-). It wasn’t there in NAV2009 RTC .. so it must be new, right? Well, not really .. because we already …
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Deny object changes in SQL Server
Internally at iFacto, we have been working quite heavily on our infrastructure. And if I say "heavily" .. I mean unbefreakinglievable heavily. In a way: we threw everything out .. and we placed a lot in. But we only did this after going very deep in pre-defining about everything we could predefine: user security, SQL …
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