Belgian VAT 2013: “Billing” and “Exigibility”

Oh yeah, here we go again. Belgium is one of the smallest countries worldwide .. while it is TOP 5 in paying taxes .. . It took about 600 days to form our new government .. but it only took that government less than half of that time to develop (again!) new VAT rules. On the 29th of November 2012, the new law was approved, and is active from the 1st of January 2013. Obviously, this has an impact yet again on the Dynamics NAV Localization for Belgium.

It’s starting to become depressing … as Per would say: “Move to a bigger country !”. If that was an option….


It’s mainly about “Billing” and “exigibility” .. . Too bad I didn’t find an English description about the changing regulations, but here you can find a Dutch text that can get the Flemish people going and thinking of the topic.

I can confirm that Microsoft is already on top of this .. and that I have an unconfirmed statement that the Belgian so-called-government is aware of the fact that it’s too late for any software to be able to comply … so they are working on a “transition arrangement” (if that’s how it’s called in English anyway..). But again: this hasn’t been confirmed!

I have the feeling this isn’t the last post about this subject.. .

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  1. […] Oh yeah, here we go again. Belgium is one of the smallest countries worldwide .. while it is TOP 5 in paying taxes .. . It took about 600 days to form our new government .. but it only took that government less than half of that time to develop (again!) new VAT rules. On … Continue reading »…(read more) […]

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